Class Status


Class Status and Cancellations

weather status & Cancellations

In case of inclement weather, here is our plan:
We will decide the night before classes by 5pm.  If there is a last-minute change, we will let you know that morning before class.

1. Our Facebook and Instagram accounts will post alerts! Follow us!
2. We will also send out both a Quick Update and a SPECIAL Update email. The Quick Update will go to everyone on our mailing list, and our Special Update will go to those who took classes in the last year and current year. Make sure your signed up for our Newsletter.

3. There will also be a special banner on our website at the top of each page, indicating any weekend closures or where to go for more information.We intend to skate on any scheduled weekend, and for your safety, and the safety of our staff is paramount to our decisions. Apologies for any inconvenience.

Client Cancellations

Text  206-276-9328 or email Trish. She will be teaching and managing at the classes and will endeavor to connect with you! (Don’t call as we are busy with classes).

Let us know in advance (up until 10 minutes prior to the class), there is no charge for cancelling (whatever the reason). If you don’t let us know, we may charge $10. And, if you cancel in a timely manner, you will be given a code to take the class in the following couple of weeks.