Our mission is "To teach and transform lives through inline and roller skating."
Weekly Class Updates
Hello skaters and parents, we have a few changes we are making and wanted to share those ideas with you.
1- All regular classes will happen this weekend.
2- Adult classes: we are separating out Level 4 from 4/5/6 for adults. In the future we will offer Level 4 and a separate Level 5/6. From time to time, we might need to combine given Instructor schedules, but we intend to support this. However, Sunday morning at 9am to 9:30 will remain a combined Level 4/5/6. At 9:45 on both Saturday and Sunday we will offer a Level 4 class and a Level 5/6 class for adults.
3- Kids B2 classes. We will be changing up the structure of the B2 classes by implementing 4 skills per class with a short game tied to the end of each skill, which reinforces the skill (Stopping will have the game red light greenlight or don’t kill the instructor or Stations, then move onto to the next skill. We believe that the game tied into the skill should increase the level of learning. We usually have up to 6 skills and one big game. And we are trying something new!
Thanks for skating with us and see you this weekend (hopefully you have adjusted to the time change!)
Upcoming Classes and Events
1- Ernie Kirkland will offer a dance class for a few weeks starting March 22nd. (in 10 days). more info
2- CAMPS: Two of the camps are already full and we are taking your info for the waitlist. Waitlists will be opened in June for July camps and July for August camps.