Newsletter 09/11/2024

Our mission is "To teach and transform lives through inline and roller skating."
Weekly Class Updates
Hello everyone,
As fall snuggles up to us, we are excited to have indoor classes, and although we hope to continue the Indian Summer, we are grateful for an indoor space.
1. Regular classes this weekend and I’m excited to teach for the first time in a month!
2. FREE classes this Saturday, September 14th.
3. Sunday classes return on October 6th and we may be adjusting those early hours, but for sure we will have classes on Saturdays and Sundays.
upcoming classes and events
Hit Your Stride Challenge is happening on Sunday, September 15. It’ a 5k or a 10k or Half marathon for you to take on. We’ll have people at the turn around spots for each, and we’ll take off .6 of a mile beyond the Metropolitan Market. The Half distance needs to be verified, but we are excited to offer it. Last event for the 5 and 10k we had about 10 people take it on. Super fun. Click here for more details
Thank you for your support! Trish & the SJ Team