Newsletter 1/24/2024

Our mission is "To teach and transform lives through inline and roller skating."
Weekly Class Updates
Hello Skaters!
Happy to report that we have a lot going on, and some changes to what we are up to, so read ahead:
1. Regular classes this weekend. Pacific and Kian are out, so the grid on Friday will show some changes to who is teaching. Keep an eye on Fridays for our Quick Update newsletter and the grid.
2. Jay is moving from Slalom to Level 4/5 on Saturdays and Pacific is running Slalom on Saturdays. We will be bringing all the kid’s classes to Slalom for ten minutes each day as Slalom is the Number 1 way to improve your skating (hint, hint, everyone should take it at least once a month)
Upcoming Classes & Events
New After School program at Seattle World School!
We’re thrilled to announce that we will be kicking off an After School program next week at Seattle World School, partnering with the nonprofit, Kandelia.
It’s been years since we ran a program here, so we’re excited to be back. We’ll be serving high school students, with a large majority who’s first language is Spanish.
We can’t wait!

Skate Tip of the Week
Arcs and circles. Did you know that all skating should be done on arcs and circles. It’s not done in a straight line. Ask your instructor about this!

1. Rox M who drove our van, managed gear, ran summer camp and our After School programs has moved on to another career path. We wish her well and hope that she soars with her new endeavors.
2. Joe Walker is stepping into Rox’s shoes for the next month. Joe is a longtime instructor of the school (started at least 15 years ago) and will be here to drive the van and teach classes for the next month. He is a top-level Instructor who teaches Slalom, Level 4/5/6 and a little dance, so we encourage you to take his classes. We are delighted to have him back, even if only for a short while. He’s been teaching in Portland for the last many years.

3. Trish will be in California for about 5 weeks, leaving on Feb 2nd. The Seasonal Affective Disorder needs to be managed, so this is the plan. Joe will be living at Trish’s house while she is gone and picking up some of her upper-level classes along with other top-level classes.

4. New Instructors will invade our classes soon. They all got Certified last weekend and will start assisting in classes, and over the next 6 months will start to integrate to teach their own classes. We allow them a long time to get comfortable with teaching with another instructor, then meld them into their own classes as they build their IRL teaching skills. Congrats to George, Anthony, Charlie, Aadhya, Eason & Artem. They worked hard, and they were amazing. It bodes well for our school that such high-quality instructors are headed into our teaching programs.

Join our virtual Fundraiser Cooking Class! (No skates required😉)
Elaine Sher, one of our Skate Instructors & creator of Dash of Soy Culinary School, is going to share her Homestyle Chinese Dumpling family recipe, virtually, on February 13th from 5-7pm PST.
Learn how to make traditional Chinese dumplings from scratch at home, we welcome you to bring friends and family to join the class.
Please note, 1 Zoom seat per ticket.
The recipe allows you to pick your preferred meat/protein.
Check our Fundraiser page for more details!
A huge thank you to Elaine for providing another fundraising opportunity for Skate Journeys!
Last year, Dash of Soy graciously donated a portion of their fourth quarter proceeds to Skate Journeys, contributing a donation of $1,311! We cannot thank you enough, Elaine!
Thank you for your support! Trish & the SJ Team