
Group of people rollerblading outdoors.
Group of people rollerblading in a park.
Group of friends wearing red shirts and smiling.

Volunteer program

Skate Journeys depends on our wonderful volunteer staff for its operation. From skate class instruction to unloading the van, our staff provides vital support to all aspects of our organization. Without the tireless time and energy our volunteers contribute, Skate Journeys simply wouldn’t exist. We owe our deepest thanks to each and every one of our dedicated volunteers.

Volunteer Impact
• Ensures prices are kept low
• Allows us to provide scholarships
• Allows us to offer maximum course flexibility
• Skate Journeys benefits from additional fundraising via matching programs when employed by a firm that does corporate matching
• As a 501(c)3 corporation, we receive funds or software for all qualifying volunteer time.

Volunteers who work 1 hour/month enjoy a 20% discount on classes!

Volunteer opportunities available:  
Instructor, Classroom Assistant, Gear assistant, Set-up / Host, General, Computer / IT, Fundraising, Marketing and Event Planning. **Please note that in order to instruct, you must be certified and current with Skate Instructor’s Association. Not yet certified? Contact Trish: Contact Page

How to volunteer for community service with Skate Journeys?

Submit form and our volunteer coordinator will be in touch with you to discuss your interests and fill out appropriate paperwork. Fill out this form to Volunteer.

Contact: [email protected] to see what opportunities are currently available or tell us about how you would like to assist Skate Journeys! 

Meet our volunteers! Here’s a look at a few members of our volunteer staff, highlighting what the volunteer program means for Skate Journeys and for some of our cherished volunteers.

Thank you to everyone who participated in the interviews and shared their stories. A HUGE thank you to Sanghavi Mayooran for interviewing our team and making this content possible.

And as always, THANK YOU to every single person who has ever volunteered with Skate Journeys, making skate programs affordable and accessible to the community. Skate Journeys would not exist without the consistent hard work and dedication from our volunteers, we can’t say thank you enough!