Our mission is "To teach and transform lives through inline and roller skating."
Weekly Class Updates
Hello Skaters,
Hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving weekend.
1. Our website is having some issues. It is working and may have out of date information. We are diligently working on getting it fixed. This email has direct links to the Customer Portal and Donations page should you be unable to go through the website.
2. Regular classes this weekend on Saturday and Sunday.
Upcoming Classes & Events
1. Fundraiser Auction: In addition to our regular fundraising, we are offering an auction. You can sign up each of the next two weekends (both Sat & Sundays) on the paper sign up form. Here are the current items:
Helmet, RB Skate Tool, Camp Tee, 4 invader wheels, Original SJ Tee, SEBA cones, green, 2 sets, RB fanny pack, K2 socks, SkateIA fanny pack with sunglasses, key chain and wrist slap. From Shop-Task (huge thank you!) Rollerblade Microblades for Kids ($119) and FR Skates FRX80 ($190). More items to be added
2. This is the last week of the Apprentice Course, and we have one make-up class on Sunday, December 15th.
3. Free Classes Saturday, December 14.
Employee Spotlight
Anay Mediwala
Anay has been skating for about 8 years, since he was six and teaching skating since 2021. He teaches at summer camps and weekend classes. His favorite teaching moments are when a student finally learns a new move. It’s incredibly rewarding to witness their progress and see them feel proud of their achievements. He also enjoys teaching at the summer camps because it’s a lot of fun to build connections with the campers and see them master new moves.
Anay is currently, in the eighth grade. In his free time engages in creative pursuits such as designing, 3D printing, reading and spending quality time with his family.
Thank you for your support! Trish & the SJ Team