Newsletter 1/10/2024

Our mission is "To teach and transform lives through inline and roller skating."
Weekly Class Updates
Hello everyone,
1. Regular Classes this Weekend.
2. The Apprentice Program has its last day this Sunday. If classes are canceled, it will be online! Apprentices, be prepared to be on Zoom in your living rooms or bedrooms. Trish runs this program online all the time!
3. In case of inclement weather, here is our plan:
Should we get snow Friday, we shall decide the night before (Friday night) by 5pm if we will have classes. Or if there is a last-minute change, we will let you know that morning before class.
How to determine our status:
1. Our Facebook and Instagram accounts will post alerts! Follow us!
2. We will also send out both a Quick Update and a SPECIAL Update email. The Quick Update will go to everyone on our mailing list, and our Special Update will go to those who took classes in 2023 and early 2024.
3. There will also be a special banner on our website at the top of each page, indicating any weekend closures.
We intend to skate this weekend, and your safety, and the safety of our staff is paramount to our decisions. Apologies for any inconvenience.
fall fundraiser - extended
TODAY IS THE LAST DAY to donate to our extended Fall Fundraiser!
Why is your donation more impactful today vs tomorrow?
The DOUBLE MATCHING opportunity!
Today is the last chance for our donations to be double matched, so if you’re able to donate $5, we’ll receive $10! And if your employer matches a $5 donation, we’ll receive $20!
We have fallen short of our 2023 goal, so please consider supporting us, every single dollar matters. We exist because of the generosity of our donors!
We are a 501C3 and therefore tax deductible. EIN number: 26-4061263
Skate Tip of the Week
Do you ever feel your upper body ‘stutter?’
This is when your upper body suddenly lurches forward either a little or a lot. It’s because your knees are bent AND LOCKED. The body needs to be in flow, be fluid and when one part is locked down, the ‘studder’ happens. Soften your knees for a move that flows.
Thank you for your support! Trish & the SJ Team