Newsletter 1/31/2024

Our mission is "To teach and transform lives through inline and roller skating."
Weekly Class Updates
Hello Skaters! It’s so great that while it rains outside, we have an indoor location!
1. Regular classes all weekend
2. Free Class this Saturday. All y’all, come take a free class from us on Saturday. Any class on Saturday. And, Learn-to-skate B1 class should be pre-registered as we have a limit to that class. And, feel free to invite friends and family!
Upcoming Classes & Events
Tomorrow we’re kicking off a new After-School program at Seattle World School in partnership with the non-profit Kandelia, please wish our staff luck!
Here’s a few photos from the last After-School program we ran at SWS over 10 years ago. Recognize a familiar face?!

Skate Tip of the Week
T-stops and check stops wear down wheels unevenly.
Heel brakes and Toe stops do not. Both break options are less than $10, while wheels are about $10 per wheel!
Alumni Spotlight
A few weeks ago, we had a very special visit from our skate family!
Taylor Connors Rime, former SJ student, Instructor, and Examiner, has welcomed our first Skate Journeys baby into the world! Taylor brought baby Jax to class, who we were thrilled to meet.
Congrats to Taylor and her family!
Fundraiser cooking class

Have you purchased your ticket for the fundraiser cooking class yet?
Don’t miss out on learning how to make traditional Chinese Dumplings in the comfort of your own kitchen.
Please consider participating & supporting us, as all proceed from the class are donated to Skate Journeys!
Thank you to again to Dash of Soy and our Instructor, Elaine Sher, for creating another great fundraising opportunity!
Click here to register & for more details!
Thank you for your support! Trish & the SJ Team