Newsletter 10/12/2023

Hello Skaters, so much going on at Skate Journeys, camps, classes time changes, new free classes, and holiday camps for kids and adults!
1. Regular classes on both Saturday and Sunday. Last Saturday only had 5 students, so private lessons for ALL! Come join us for classes.
2. Trish and Mason have returned, as have more of our staff, so lots of room for you all.
3. Trish will be teaching both Saturdays and Sundays and offering the free 15 minute Roller Fitness class each day. Weeeeeeeeeee for more fitness, for free classes and a reason to get up earlier. Roller Fitness is at 9:40 on both Saturdays and Sundays. Last 15 minutes.
4. New times for Saturday (classes will start later, and they are the EXACT same times both days!)
a. Saturday: Rink opens 9:15am. Roller Fitness at 9:40 – 9:55am / 9:45am for Beginner 1 classes. All other classes 10-10:45am.
i. Open skates from 9:15 to 9:45 & 10:45 – 11am
b. Sunday: Rink opens at 8:15a. First hour classes at 8:45 – 9:30am (Mason with Slalom and Trish with Level 4/5) / Roller Fitness @ 9:40 -9:55am 9:45am for Beginner 1 classes. All other classes 10am to 10:45am
i. Open skates from 8:15 – 8:45, 9:30 – 10am & 10:45 to 11am.
5. Apprentice course is open to all kids who will be 12 by June 1st, 2024, and all adults. Kids must be in Level 4 to start; Adults must be at Level 3 or above. Starts Oct 22nd, and details are on the website. Check out the link on our registration hub to register.
6. 2024 Camp dates are locked in. All camps will be held at Eastside Christian. No camps will be held at Crossroads next year. Sorry for the change. 4 weeks of camp. See the website for deets.
7. While we might list “Kids 3/4″ on the weekend schedule. We always have the intention to split those classes up as long as we have two things: more instructors (some cannot sign up until after the Thursday deadline) or if we have a lot of students. So please know we will always expand instructors when possible.
8. We will be offering the new Client Portal so we can then offer drop-in classes in about 4 to 6 weeks, so y’all will just show up on Sat or Sunday and sign up for your class. You’ll be able to buy classes in four packs at $30 each, so a $5 savings for buying a four pack. You won’t have to pre-register!!!!!!
9. Did you know you can take two classes in one day on Sundays and only pay half price for the second class? It’s true. Use the code SkateX2 for the second class when you register and enjoy more skate for your bucks!
10. Holiday camps are coming for Adults and Kids: Friday/Saturday/Sunday of Thanksgiving Day weekend. You can drop in, and it’s $25 for an hour or $60 for all three hours. Also, Tues/Wed/Thurs, Dec holiday camp: Dec 27/28/29. 9am to noon, drop off as early at 8:30am. More about play, but lessons included and lots of open skate and games.
Thanks for skating with us!