Newsletter 3/06/2024

Our mission is "To teach and transform lives through inline and roller skating."
Weekly Class Updates
Hello Skaters,
Writing to you from sunny San Diego as I’m looking for a new location for CAMPskateIA, as the previous rink installed Sport Court flooring in the rink, which just doesn’t work for smooth skating.
1. Classes on Saturday this weekend ONLY.
2. No Sunday classes this weekend (March 10th).
3. Regular classes return next weekend, and Sunday classes will all be free (Marach 17th). And you must pre-register for the B1 class.
4. Daylight Savings changes this Sunday, March 10th. Since we don’t have classes, sleep in!!
– Trish
Upcoming Classes & Events
Summer skate camps are filling up, but there’s space for more campers to join!
Please forward this newsletter to anyone you know that may be interested in enrolling their children in Camp, we’re hoping to also reach families that are outside of our current community.
We appreciate the referrals we’ve received so far!
Camp Session 1 (July 15 – 19) – 1 spot left
Camp Session 2 (July 22 – 26) – 10 spots left
Camp Session 3 (Aug 5 – 9) – 9 spots left
Camp Session 4 (Aug 12 – 16) – 18 spots left
At the moment, we’re still allowing only 1 camp per camper, to enable fair opportunities for all to register.
We will open a limited number of camp spots at the end of April. If space permits, we’ll allow campers to enroll in a second camp. We will announce when this is happening ahead of time, so stay tuned to the newsletter & our website!
Visit our Skate Camp page for all 2024 Camp details.
Skate Tip of the Week
Lacing your Skates
Laces are super fun, especially with the fun colors of “Derby Laces” which you can buy at all Skate Shops.
And here is a tip that few people who are new to skating think about: When lacing up skates, avoid the set of eyelets where your foot meets your leg, where the forward bend exists. In skating when you flex forward, the laces will put additional pressure on that forward bending tendon.
So skip a set of eyelets, it’s not needed.
Other Updates
Did you know we have Fee Waivers available for weekend classes & summer camps?
Fee Waivers allow Skate Journeys to offer skate experiences for those who may be facing financial obstacles and/or life hardships, preventing them from signing up for classes and programs.
Email [email protected] to receive a Fee Waiver application!
Don’t need assistance yourself, but know of someone who may be interested? Encourage them to reach out to us!
We’re halfway through our After-School Program at Seattle World School! Our partnership with Kandelia has been impactful and well received, and most importantly, students are having FUN skating.
Donations received from our 2023 Fall Fundraiser allow programs like these to come to life! So thank you again!
Thank you for your support! Trish & the SJ Team