Newsletter 8/24/2023

Hello skaters,
Happy to share that the air conditioner at Lynnwood Bowl & Skate was efficient and the air was clear and cool, so join us weekly for classes where the weather is always great.
1. Regular classes this weekend, Mason is out, but double check on Friday for a slalom class. Jay always wants to teach but it depends on a series of factors and he doesn’t know until Friday if he can.
2. Kozmic dance class is this weekend. It’s a one-time chance to have this amazing Roller Dance course. Just try it! Sunday, Aug. 27th / in the afternoon – Paramount Theatre, 911 Pine Street, Seattle -$45 (+tax/fees).
Register Here:
3. Parents: if you are interested in having us run a skate club, or After School Programs at your school, please let us know! Because these programs require a strong relationship with the people that run these programs (PTA, school district, principal) we would need to have the clear contact and have you assist us in setting them up. We are hoping to do them in Seattle, Lynnwood, Eastside and South Seattle, so if you would like us to run these programs and have the proper contacts and can assist us in the set-up, please email [email protected]
3a. Same goes for SkatePE, running an in school program PE classes!
4. We are also working on setting up mobile events which would be school dances, pop up discos, businesses wanting team building opportunities.
5. Our website is getting updated regularly, if you have any feedback for it, please send your thoughts to [email protected] who is always appreciative of what is and isn’t working! We intend that we are improving our communication with y’all.
Hope you are skating, it’s the perfect weather!