Newsletter 8/7/2024

Our mission is "To teach and transform lives through inline and roller skating."
Weekly Class Updates
Hi Skaters!
1. Join us at Saturday Classes this weekend, the instructor schedule will be shared this Friday.
2. Save the Date!
– August 25th: Community Fun Skate Event
– See more details below
3. Reminder: Sunday classes will resume Oct 6th!
Community Skate Event: Aug 25
PFM Roller Derby is back hosting free community skate events in Seattle!
Skaters enjoyed these events pre-Covid, so we’re super excited that the Community Fun Skates have returned. PFM will provide the space, snacks, tunes, and skates – YOU provide the smiles and laughter! This is a FREE event!
When: Sunday, August 25th, 2024: 2:00pm – 5:00pm.
Location: Magnuson Community Center
7110 62nd Av NE, Seattle, WA 98115
Skate Journeys is proud to partner with PFM Roller Derby, utilizing our instructor staff to assist with various event roles. This event has been in the works since last winter, so please support us!
Interested in volunteering? Contact us>>
Summer Camp Update
Our summer camps are anticipated by many, for good reason. Everyone in attendance is learning daily, inside and outside of the skate lessons (this includes our camp staff as well)!
We’re grateful to be able to create memories and milestones for everyone involved. If you weren’t able to join us for camps this year, please join us next year!
Want to Teach for Skate Journeys?
Step 1 in becoming a Skate Instructor for Skate Journeys: Pass the Instructor Apprentice Program
– All of our Instructors have completed this program prior to passing the SkateIA Instructor Certification.
>This includes our Camp Staff!
Check out our Instructor Apprentice Program page for more details.
Email us for questions/support. Contact us>>
Thank you for your support! Trish & the SJ Team