Newsletter 1/17/2024

Our mission is "To teach and transform lives through inline and roller skating."
Weekly Class Updates
1. Regular classes this weekend on both Saturday and Sunday.
Upcoming Classes & Events
1. Trish will be running a Level 1 Skate Instructor Certification this weekend adjacent to the slalom area at the rink during morning classes and will not likely be available on either Saturday or Sunday. Please wish good luck to all our 7 candidates, one flew in from Denver to take the exam! Please direct any questions to Rox, Jordan & Tamara.
2. A huge shout out to Dash of Soy Cooking School and Elaine Sher who donated 10% of her 2023 Q4 earnings to Skate Journeys!
a. Dash of Soy is also hosting a cooking class fundraiser in support of Skate Journeys! This 2-hour online cooking class is based on a family recipe from Hong Kong.
It’s a great event for everyone to learn how to cook a traditional Chinese dish from scratch!
Tuesday, February 13, 2024, 5-7pm PST. (2 hours) – ONLINE
Price: $50
more details
Tip of the Week
If you own your own skates, we recommend that you add an insole/foot bed to the skates. For adding one to quads, I suggest you reach out to the local quad shop or YouTube, but I can suggest for INLINE/Rollerblades that you add an insole to improve the quality of your skating. Insoles will give you a better arch in the foot than the standard insole that comes with the skate. We recommend the Yellow Superfeet because it is thin. Shop-Task sells them and they can assist you in fitting them into the skate. You don’t buy them by the length, but you buy them based on where the arch sits on your foot. REI can also fit you with them. Nearly all your adult instructors have them in their skates and it’s what allows them to so easily and effortlessly get on the proper edges. Yellow, low profile Superfeet. About $40 but will last a long time.
Thank you for your support! Trish & the SJ Team