Newsletter 11/29/2023

Our mission is "To teach and transform lives through inline and roller skating."
Weekly Class Updates
Hello Skaters and Parents,
We intend your holiday was full of joy and that you found something to be grateful for. We know we are grateful for YOU!
Changes ahead!
1. Regular classes this weekend
2. No classes on Sunday December 10th due to a Derby Bout, but we do have classes on Saturday Dec 9th. The Apprentice class (12/10) will be rescheduled. We apologize for this, but the rink just alerted us this week. Trish will reach out to you to confirm the new date!
New Client Portal
1. The new client portal has arrived and will need to be used by you for any upcoming classes and camps. You will need to sign-in to your account, purchase a drop-in class ($30) or buy a four pack ($100). Select Second Class Same Day for an additional $15. Then you can select your class(es) for the weekend. You don’t need to wait until Thursday, you can do it now, or even the morning of classes.
2. What to expect when you arrive:
A QR code will be at the front desk to sign-in to your Customer Portal Account:
a. If you have already created your account and purchased your classes, all you need to do is select for the class you want!
b. If you still need to create your account, you will need to do so, purchase a class or a package, then select the class you want.
c. Show our host your class receipt, sign in on a sheet of paper with your first/last name and which class you are taking. We are doing a hard copy while we figure out the flow.
d. Go skate!
3. For skaters new to Skate Journeys, you will need to pre-register for the Beginner-1 class (B1). The B1 class is $35 for the first class, $17.50 for the second class (both end up being $52.50 – so a great value
> Two free skate rentals as always 🙂
Fall Fundraiser
Thank you for all donations at our Thanks-Skating-Day Kickoff Event! We raised $1020.00 before company matching and our Skate Angel Matching. Weeeeeeeeeeeeee
Please consider donating to our 2023 Fall Fundraiser, we’re raising funds until Dec 31st! And THANK YOU in advance!
Thank you to all who participated in our first Holiday Camp last weekend! We’re looking forward to the December Holiday Camp!
Thank you for your support! Trish & the SJ Team