Newsletter 4/24/2024

Our mission is "To teach and transform lives through inline and roller skating."
Weekly Class Updates
Hi Skaters!
1. Regular classes this weekend on both Saturday and Sundays, come join us!
upcoming classes and events
1. The next free class is Saturday June 15th! (instead of 6/16)
2. Change of summer class closure schedule: We are going to be open on SATURDAYS this Summer!
Usually we close down on Saturdays but this summer, we will close on SUNDAYS. Why? Because Sundays are a more expensive time rental for us, and our Saturdays have been busier. So, plan to join us for Classes and the Open Skate from 9:15am to 11am on Saturdays this summer!
Skate Tip of the Week
Ankle bend verses knee bend.
I’ve taken up ice skating and have come to appreciate the nuance of needing to bend your ankles not your knees.
Go ahead and stand up and bend your knees, then straighten and then just bend your ankles. There is a difference and as noted, it’s nuanced. But the impact? It’s huge.
So here is why…. When skaters, especially newer skaters bend their knees, they also tend to hinge at the waist-which is bad for a variety of reasons. But if they flex/bend the ankle, they tend to keep a more upright position. And that is what we want.
If your lower back hurts when you skate, then practice just bend your ankles. Play with it. And check out Yeinmok’s Instagram post for a visual
Camp manager still needed
We are still on the hunt for a Camp Manager. Trish will run the Monday morning schedule of setting up the first day of camp, but we need someone to manage the bulk of campers and counselors.
We have 4 weeks of camp over 5 weeks (middle week on July 29th there is no camp) so it’s two weeks on, 1 week off, and 2 weeks on. Is it you? Interested in
Email your resume or ask for an application, Contact us.
Summer Camps
- Camp #1 (July 15-19) – 2 spots remaining
- Camp #4 (Aug 12-16) – 10 spots remaining
Thank you for your support! Trish & the SJ Team