Newsletter 6/26/2024

Skate Journeys Newsletter: Latest News

Our mission is "To teach and transform lives through inline and roller skating."

Weekly Class Updates

Hi Skaters,

1. Join us this weekend for Saturday Classes!
2. Reminder: No Classes next weekend (July 6), we’ll be closed for the 4th of July holiday. So join us this weekend!

•   Classes will resume the following Saturday, July 13 🙂

Hit Your Stride: Challenge #2

Who’s ready for Trail Skate Challenge #2??
Sunday, July 21 at 9am on the Burke-Gilman Trail!
  • 5k Challenge = $25 donation
  • 10k Challenge = $35 donation
  • Route:
    • The starting point is 0.5 miles to the start point, perfect for a warm up skate!
    • Parking: off street parking near Metro Market Sand Point

Challenge #2 will take place during the Seattle Spicy Salmon Roll, hosted by the Seattle Distance Skating Club.
Check out their Facebook event!

It’s going to be a weekend full of skating, please join us! 

When's the Next Outdoor Class?

Outdoor Classes will resume the week of July 8th, weather permitting.
Typically, the class options are Wednesdays or Thursday evenings (7pm) & Saturday afternoons (12:30pm).

Stay tuned for the next Outdoor Class date announced in the Newsletter, or join our WhatsApp group, “SJ’s Outdoor Skate Classes!”

Volunteers Needed!

We’re looking for 5 volunteers to support our safety needs for next Trail Challenge Skate (Challenge #2) on July 21st, between 8:30am and 11:30am.

Skate Patrol
Instructors supporting Challenge participants on skates, giving advise/support when needed; Can also skate back and forth on the trail (on skates role)

Trail Crossing Guide
People to watch traffic at the trail crossings (on or off skates)

We’ll have a quick 10 min Zoom training to get you prepped.

If you’re interested, email us.

Summer Camp Waitlist

We’ve been contacting campers on the camp Waitlists to fill our last camp spots, so make sure you’re added to the Waitlist if you’re interested in joining a camp!

We still have limited Scholarship spots available, so email us to apply! Our goal is to remove financial obstacles, so everyone has an opportunity to skate.  

*If we’re unable to fill our remaining Scholarship spots by Friday, we will fill those spots with campers on the Waitlist.

Thank you for your support! Trish & the SJ Team