Outdoor Class Registration


Outdoor classes - how to register.

We offer several outdoor classes:

OUTDOOR SKILLS – How to navigate outdoor skating. (Adults Level 3 and Children level 4 and up)
TRAILS TRAINING – How to skate for distance with power and efficiency. (Adults Only)

Visit our Specialty & Outdoor Class page for detailed class descriptions and information.


Step 1:
Click on WhatsApp Button below. (Brings you to WhatsApp. You must download WhatsApp on your computer or phone)

Step 2: Join the WhatsApp group FITNESS ON SKATES. 

Step 3: Once you join Let Trish know what class you’re interested in. 

Step 4: Check your WhatsApp for messages about upcoming classes, locations and weather cancelations.

Notes:   We use WhatsApp to notify you of upcoming classes before they are announced in our newsletter.

Stay up to date on class availability by signing up for our newsletter on our website.