Newsletter 10/19/2023

Our mission is "To teach and transform lives through inline and roller skating."
Weekly Class Updates
1. Regular classes both Saturday and Sunday.
2. New classes:
a. Skate Jam with Shaun. LB&S Manager Shaun Kelly is teaching at our classes a few times a month and offering Skate Jam. We’ll have the list of the skills at class. We expect that if you are in Adults 3+ (been there for a bit) or higher, that the class will work for you. Dance plugs and not toe stops encouraged. Not sure if it’s for you, feel free to jump in and take a class to check it out. This Sunday at 10am.
b. Roller Fitness seems to be a big hit. And, it’s for everyone, so join us if you want. We do it each Sat & Sun at 9:40am to 9:55 (15 minutes) of high energy, fun moves, new moves and we keep you moving. We introduce the beginner level moves first an then add degrees of difficulty. It’s free with your class. We do stretching for all at 9:55 to 10am and then start classes, so we’ve got 65 minutes of programming for you each day!
Upcoming Classes & Events
Instructor Apprentice Program:
This is the last week to sign up for the Apprentice program, the first session starts this Sunday, October 22nd at Lynnwood! This 6-week training course will improve your skating and teaching and help prepare skaters to pass the Level 1 Certification. This program is for all adults, and youth 12 and up (must be 12 by 6/1/24) who want to become Skate Instructors. Sign up through the Registration Hub today!
“Apprentice Program” website link
Tip of the Week
Daiso stores sell webbed laundry bags for about $1.50, and they are great for your protective gear and socks. Buy one with a loop on the outside and your gear can dry between uses. This is especially important because during the winter, it’s harder to keep it dry!
a. Second tip of the week: wash your gear using vinegar and soap. The vinegar will clean the plastic aspects (all gear is actually made of some form of plastic). We’d resist using the garlic vinegar.
Employee Spotlight
We have so many amazing people on our staff. This week we want to make sure you know Rox Maidesil who is our programs manager. Rox drives the van to classes each week, manages our gear, runs out in school, after school and weekend classes. She was also our CAMP manager for 2023. Her calm and delightful presence was noted by several staff at CAMP as they filled out a survey and answer the question, “who made a difference for you at CAMP” and it was her name the majority of the time. Please introduce yourself to her, enjoy her classes and one thing you may not know about her? She loves the Skate Park, it’s her favorite way to skate and as a Quad Skater, that makes her the BOSS in the park. Rox is Certified as Level 1, Level 2 and a Skate Park Instructor! We are grateful she works for us and with us and she makes a HUGE difference at Skate Journeys!
Repeated News
Email [email protected] or TEXT 206-276-9328 if you need to cancel. (Don’t call as we are busy with class).Please review cancellation policy.
One person-two classes. Watch newsletter in your email for code.
You receive the Second class at $17.50 only if you sign up for the Beginning Class (if you start at upper levels, you do not receive the discount)
Classes on Account? Reach out to me if you lose the code.
Thank you for your support! Trish & the SJ Team